This is my third year growing/maintaining a vegetable garden. My mom has always told me that some crops will be better than others on certain years. Of course that makes sense, but this is the first year I've actually had the opportunity to make that observation myself, and it's been bittersweet. To date I have not harvested any zucchinis :( In previous years I've been up to my elbows in zucchini, cranking out zucchini bread, muffins, casserole, fritters, etc. like it was my job. This year the plants are healthy, and the weather has been great for growing with blazing hot days with intermittent rain, so what gives? The other day, my suspicions were confirmed. At about 3pm I observed a large (and obviously well-fed) rabbit snatching the flowers from my zucchini plants as an afternoon snack! How irritating! Short of erecting a fence around the zucchinis (our yard is already fenced in!) I've tried everything to no avail to ward off this rabbit. I've sprinkled fox urine, spritzed animal deterrent and even stuffed a few wads of cat fur around the base of the plants in an attempt to scare this bunny off. Although I've been unsuccessful in salvaging any zucchini flowers I still remain hopeful each time I see a new flower thinking "maybe this one will make it". But that blasted rabbit always wins. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a Bugs Bunny episode and I'm Elmer Fudd. *Sigh*
On a brighter note, my cucumber plants are really thriving. Last year I harvested 4 stumpy, lumpy cucumbers. This year I've already harvested 5 perfectly tubular and delicious cukes and there are many more flowers on the vine. So today's recipe is brought to you by our bountiful cucumber crop. This salad is quick to throw together if you plan ahead.
Ingredients 2 cucumbers, each measuring about 6-8 inches, rind removed 2 teaspoons Kosher salt 1/4 cup low fat sour cream 1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped (or 1/2 teaspoon of dried dill) 2 tablespoons thinly sliced yellow onion Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Instructions 1. Slice each cucumber in to thin rounds. 2. Place cucumber slices in a colander over top of a metal/glass bowl. Sprinkle the salt over the cucumber slices. Refrigerate for 30 minutes (or up to 1 hour, if you have the time). The salt will cause the cucumbers to become less rigid and "wilt" a bit which is exactly what you want for this salad.
3. Remove the cucumbers from the refrigerator and rinse the salt from them. Make sure you rinse the cucumber slices thoroughly. Drain them and place them in a serving bowl.
4. Add the sour cream, dill, onion and black pepper. A note about the sour cream: If your cucumbers are on the small side, as mine were for this post, use a little bit less than 1/4 cup or add the sour cream by tablespoon until the cucumbers are coated to your satisfaction. Mix well, and serve chilled.
Found your entry via photograzing, and I'm so glad I did! I love cucumbers--I usually slice them up and throw them in a vinegar sugar marinade, but I'm tempted to give this version a try. I'm also pretty jealous about your garden; even if the zucchinis haven't been working out, it must be great having enough space to start your own backyard crops. (I'm a humongo Michael Pollan fan.) Thanks for sharing, and best of luck with the rabbit!
Found your entry via photograzing, and I'm so glad I did! I love cucumbers--I usually slice them up and throw them in a vinegar sugar marinade, but I'm tempted to give this version a try. I'm also pretty jealous about your garden; even if the zucchinis haven't been working out, it must be great having enough space to start your own backyard crops. (I'm a humongo Michael Pollan fan.) Thanks for sharing, and best of luck with the rabbit!